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Old 17-08-2008, 02:08 PM
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Đội Xung Kích
Phong Trần Lãng Tử

Lãnh Diện Tuyệt Tình
Tham gia: Jun 2008
Đến từ: Đất Võ Anh Hùng
Bài gởi: 4,793
Thời gian online: 2 tuần 1 ngày 6 giờ
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Think Like Your Customer: A Winning Strategy to Maximize Sales by Understanding How a

Tác giả Bill Stinnett
How to capture customers by learning to think the way they do
The most common complaint Bill Stinnett hears from his corporate clients is that would-be vendors and suppliers "just don't understand our business." In Think Like Your Customer, Stinnett explains why the key to landing corporate customers is to learn to think about the things executives and business owners think about and understand how they make complex buying decisions.
Drawing upon his years of experience as a Fortune 500 consultant, he offers sales and marketing professionals a powerful framework for understanding the inner workings of a business; knowing what motivates its executives and influences their buying decisions; identifying a company's organizational structure and decision-making psychology; and using that information to develop a winning strategy for influencing how and why the customer buys.
In addition, you receive:
* Solid marketing insights delivered in a fun, breezy style by a top corporate consultant and seminar leader
* Expert tips on how to maximize the value and profitability of relationships with corporate clients and customers


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Bæ ngaïn hoa khai nhaát thieân nieân, hoa dieäp vónh caùch baát töông kieán. . .
Bieät vaán thieân nhai nhaát tuyeán khieân, ñieàu ñieàu daï thaâm maïc canh haøn. . .
Duyeân phaän laø thöù giuùp hai ngöôøi xa laï ñeán ñöôïc vôùi nhau!!!

你 发如雪纷飞了眼泪 我等待苍老了谁
红尘醉微醺的岁月 我用无悔刻永世爱你的碑

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